Corporate Governance
Committee The members are Description

Nomination Committee

Terms of Reference

Y.C. LO (Chairman)

Ronnie LO


Professor Irene LO

Christine CHAU

The principal purpose of the Nomination Committee is to lead the process for the appointment of new directors to the Board (whether executive or non-executive), ensuring that the Board has an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge. In particular, the Committee is responsible for Board succession in order to ensure that the composition of the Board is appropriate to manage future growth.

Audit Committee

Terms of Reference

Henry LEUNG (Chairman)

CHAN Wai Ying

Professor Irene LO

Christine CHAU

The Audit Committee’s responsibilities are to assist the Board in fulfilling its risk-related duties and to oversee the proper implementation of the risk management principles. In discharging its responsibilities, the Committee monitors the Group’s risk profile. The Committee is also responsible for recommending to the Board the Group’s risk policy including the risk appetite and risk tolerance. The Committee is established to assist the Board of Directors in its oversight responsibilities regarding the:
• Evaluation of the internal control regulations and procedures
• Assessment of the qualifications and independence of the External Auditors
• Supervision of the Internal Audit’s activities
• Integrity of the financial statements
• Review of the Group’s disclosure standards

Remuneration Committee

Terms of Reference

Christine CHAU (Chairman)



Professor Irene LO

The Remuneration Committee supports the Board in setting the Company’s policy on remuneration.
Safety, Health and Environment Committee

Y.C. LO (Chairman)

Victor CHIU



The purpose of the Safety, Health and Environment Committee is to ensure that safety, health and environment matters are appropriately managed by the Group.