CEDD Contract No. KL/2010/02

Kai Tak Development - Kai Tak Approach Channel & Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter Improvement Works (Phase 1)

Client : Civil Engineering and Development Department

Period : 2011-2015


Concentric teamed up with Penta-Ocean and Alchmex to form a Joint Venture and secured the contract for the Kai Tak Approach Channel and Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter Improvement Works (Phase 1).                


Key deliverables included :    

  • bioremediation treatment to approx. 850,000m2 of marine sediments at Kai Tak Typhoon Shelter and approach channel to mitigate odour; 
  • dredging and disposal of approx. 120,000m3 of Type 3 contaminated marine sediments at Kai Tak approach channel;
  • embankment improvement works to the associated waterways; and
  • demolition of existing disused dolphin connecting to the former airport runway in To Kwa Wan Typhoon Shelter.