HyD Contract No. HY/2020/08
Flyover from Kwai Chung Interchange Upramp to Kwai Chun Road
Client : Highways Department
Period : 2021-2025
The works mainly include:-
- Construction of any approximately 370 meters(m) long single-lane vehicular bridge between the southbound fast lane of Tsuen Wan Road (near Kwai Tsing Interchange upramp) and Kwai Chung Road;
- Widening of an approximate 85m long section of the southbound traffic lane of Tsuen Wan Road between Kwai Tsing Interchange upramp and Kwai Chung Road;
- Construction of noise barriers at the vehicular bridge as stated in (i) above
- Demolition and reprovisioning of the existing Footbridge NF303, and provisioning of lifts;
- Relocation of bus stop next to Footbridge NF303 and associated footpath modification works;
- Reconstruction of sections of Kwai Chung Road and Container Port Road South; and
- Ancillary works including public lighting, drainage, landscaping and environmental mitigation measures.